04/2017 - 06/2017


  • Emilia Barakova


  • Emma Dhaeze
  • Freek Olivier
  • Dennis Rietveld
  • Wenhao Wu

Key learning points

  • Learning systems
  • Embodied intelligence



Embodying Intelligent Behavior

The project executed during this course builds upon the PhD project ‘Uitkijkpost’ of Xu Lin, within the Designed Intelligence group in the Industrial Design faculty of the TU/e. We built a system to help connect residents of an elderly home to the outside world. The system consists of an intelligent driving robot, which aims to provoke reactions through its embodied behavior within an outside world environment.

The robot’s aim is to increase interestingness of live video footage in the care home based on positive and negative feedback regarding its movement patterns. Using a physical controller, four parameters controlling its movement can be adjusted. Using a learning algorithm called Support Vector Machine, the physical controller predicts whether or not the combination of variables will be appreciated.